Medical engineering

Medical engineering

A combination of electronics, technology and medical expertise, medical engineering is one of man's most important accomplishments. 


As a provider of electronic manufacturing services we are anxious to make a contribution to the fields of healthcare, recovery and medical analysis by means of technology. Our centre of excellence for medical engineering based in Germany and continuous medical certification of our sites mean that you are guaranteed top quality for your products.


cms electronics produces electronic components for power packs for medical technology on behalf of blue-chip manufacturers. It is vital here to guarantee an uninterrupted power supply to devices used in this field, for example to ensure safe patient monitoring. Where analysis is concerned, we assemble PCBs for dialysis equipment, colour recognition systems, blood-testing lab devices and diverse sensors as well as closed and open-loop control systems. Our production portfolio also includes LED applications, arthroscopy devices and medical shavers. Following successful surgery it is important for patients to undergo the best possible experience during rehabilitation. To offer optimum support for recovery we also manufacture rehabilitation electronics by order of our customers. We additionally supply highly complex electronic components for modern dental technology . Our medical engineering portfolio is rounded off by veterinary vaccination equipment, which has been developed with the involvement of cms electronics.


ISO 9001  ISO 13485  ISO 14001

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