
All-inclusive growth strategy for the coming years

cms electronics has recognized the need to transform its business and expand into new markets to ensure sustainable growth in the coming years.

SMT production of cms electronics

In a comprehensive growth strategy, cms electronics is exploring opportunities involving vertical and horizontal integration and thus - in addition to the automotive and industrial sectors - the introduction of one or more other mainstays, the opening of a new production facility, and the expansion of its business into Asia and the USA.

By implementing this strategy, cms electronics will be able to reduce its dependence on the automotive industry and diversify its sales sources to ensure sustainable growth in the coming years. The goal is to sustainably establish itself among the top 20 European EMS providers.

The foundation of cms innovates electronics gmbh, which has already taken place, as a joint venture to cover the electronics development area may be understood as the first step in the growth strategy of cms electronics.

What the growth strategy of cms electronics comprises and how it is to be implemented can be found out in the detailed article. Request here the whole article as a pdf.